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What Does Year-Round Broker Engagement Look Like?

What Does Year-Round Broker Engagement Look Like?

One phrase we’re hearing from new clients far too often is, “my last broker didn’t return my calls”. It’s as if some brokers are playing a game of “now you see me, now you don’t”. And, surprise, surprise, you only see them when it’s time to plan for your renewal.

Preparing for your renewal is important. But, the relationship shouldn’t start and stop there. Your insurance broker should provide more value. Here’s what year-round broker engagement looks like:

Insurance Market Monitoring

Are you informed of developments in the insurance market and market conditions that may impact your rates or ability to find coverage? A broker with a pulse on the market will be able to help ensure you are presented with the best options the market can bear.

Identifying New Exposures

Does your broker help educate and protect you against emerging risks due to socioeconomic and environmental conditions? This allows you to make more informed decisions about your insurance and the steps required to help minimize your exposure.

Maximizing Your Partnership Outside of Your Renewal

These are just a couple of ways your should be getting support from your broker all-year round. Feel free to download our PDF resource, What to Expect From Your Insurance Broker Outside of Renewal Season.

Contact Burnham WGB Commercial Risk Advisors

Your broker should be your trusted partner. Fostering a relationship that renders the results you want means that your broker should be looking for ways to work with you throughout the year. In other words, your shouldn’t only hear from your broker during renewal.

If you’re considering your broker options, contact us to learn more about how we help ensure your success all-year round.

Want to learn more about our Commercial Risk Team before reaching out? Feel free to check out our Commercial Risk Solutions page for more information about how we serve our clients.